King Of Wizards

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A young and enthusiastic professional in Technology Communications. I have serviced clients in different sectors such as Television Channel Bookstores Advertising Agency, Gaming Companies and more. I have also worked with an Event Management company based out of Delhi. I am a techie at heart and my passions include Motorcycles, Cars, Gadgets, Music, Fitness, Mimicry and Acting. Please do comment before leaving to help in improving the blog and the content for you.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Chanakaya Niti

Nine points to wisdom

1.Open Your mind, say I am free , I am relaxed, change the situation, Fear of failure should not stop you .
2.Never reveal your plans and strategies, the more you keep with yourself the more power you have.
3.Be Good on face make people depend on you.
4.Be unpredictable, Do not open the mouth, Do the things which no one can predict.
5.Master the art of interaction.
6.Realize the weakness of your subordinates and play with that.
7.Know your inner strength, what's in you (Talent ability), manipulate the truth inside you.
8.Timing the action is very important.
9.Then wait- the game will be yours.

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